Meta Bot Rage Against The Humans is a turn-based multiplayer game in an arena where 3 Meta Bots against 3 Meta Bots compete. There will be Meta Bots for attack, defense, magic, element, support etc. The game is over when all Meta Bots on a team are eliminated. A Tournament to earn (T2E) system will be offered every week/weekend where even the first eliminated will win cryptocurrency.

Those who own a Meta Bot will earn commissions every 3 month (C2E), the highest rank of their Meta Bots will be taken in consideration.

Rage Against The Humans

T2E (Tournament To Earn) :
-A prequalification system before
to face his opponents
-When you register for a Tournament, you will be in
pre-elimination phase, you will have to face some
opponents before you can qualify
-If you are qualified, you will earn ETH,
goodies as well as NFTs even if you are the last of the
-The best will win unique NFTs from Meta Bot o The more the game hits, the more partner brands there will be
and the more rewards there will be to win
-Tournaments will be offered every week and week-end.

C2E (Commission To Earn)
-Each quarter, you will earn commissions if you own a Meta Bot
The commission system works by rarity :
-Legendary NFTs = 5% commission (up to 30% if the
quarterly results are excellent)
-Epic NFTs = 2% commission (Up to 15% if the
quarterly results are excellent)
-Rare NFTs = 1% commission (Up to 10% if the
quarterly results are excellent)
-Uncommon NFTs = 0.50% commission (Up to 4%
if the quarterly results are excellent)
-Common NFTs = 0.20% commission (Up to 2% if
quarterly results are excellent)
The % are calculated between all the owners of the
Meta Bots according to their rarities.



PHASE 1 (Q2 2022 )
-Graphics engine test phase.
-Sale of the first 10 Meta Bot NFTs.
-Preparation and selection of the graphics engine.
PHASE 2 (Q3 2022)
-30 additional series of new NFT Meta Bot will be offered.
-Integration of NFT Meta Bots in the game and on the polygon blockchain.
-Recruitment of 5 additional people (Game Designers, engineer sound, 2 developers and a QA tester).
-Integration of the C2E commission system.
PHASE 3 (Q4 2022/ Q1 2023)
- First Alpha for owners of NFT Meta Bots.
-30 more additional of new NFT Meta Bot will be proposed.
-All the alphas then Beta will last about 6 months (Beginning end Q4 2022).
-Taking user feedback into account.
PHASE 4 (Q2/Q3 2023)
-Launching the game.
-Invitation to a special event on the occasion of the launch.
-Launch of the first tournaments.
-Launch of partnerships.



Meta Bot

Founder – 3d modeler

julien sion

Business Development Council

Raphael Kadouch

QA strategy analyst

Pierre Fayard

Dev – QA strategy analyst

Ilhem Abdelhamid

Community Event Manager

Nicolas Goujon

Partnership coordinator



When the game will be released ?

The game will be released in 2023 when it will be sufficiently balanced. We estimate it will take 1 year.

How many Meta Bot models will be available ?

There will be 70 different Meta Bot models.

How the T2E and C2E system will work ?

The T2E and C2E system will be implemented in our smart contract, the C2E for Q3 2022 and the T2E when the game is released.

How many people do you plan to recruit?

We plan to recruit a total of 15 people.

© METABOT 2022